
Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call


How long will you choose,

To stay asleep and be parented,

By the vile and masochistic?

They are drinking your blood,

From right under your nose.

They are taking your children,

And molding them into cowards.

They are taking your lands,

And turning them into graveyards.

And flowing their flags,

Of monopoly and oligarchy

On the graves of your loved ones.

They are laundering your money,

To create fearsome weapons

And claim them to be covered,

Under the global legal basket.

They unleash those weapons,

To their whims and fancies

And blow your lives into smithereens.

They are taking you away,

From the Nature of who you are

And making you into an image

Of whom they want you to be.

You are denying being in charge,

Of what happens to your lives.

You play the victim card,

For being treated as doormats,

And Ohh! your misery loves company.

