Saxon Crow


There she hunkers in the shadows of the grass
A look so loving to melt any heart
My shaggy, hairy, playful girl
Waiting to be chased and spin and twirl.
Watching so keenly while the sun shines down
Senses attuned to my gruff, deep sound
\"come on!\" i call and she\'s off in a flash
Darting in circles, running this way and that.
I try to keep up but haven\'t caught her yet.... 
And yet, she\'s slowing down betrayed by her age
Her eyes aren\'t as sharp as they used to be
But she still chases the squirrels to the nearest tree
She spends more time sniffing and ambling along
But keeps me on my toes and stands just as strong
She sleeps more now  rather than play
But that means more cuddles on the sofa everyday
We are on the countdown now, her twilight years
And i love her so much that it brings me to tears.
So each moment we share is more precious than words
And there\'s plenty time left for mischief to serve.
But time is the enemy of all that we love
Far too short for one man and his dog