
River of Life

Entering the world with a welcome cry
Gushing like a new born spring
Yearning for warmth and my feed
Etching my journey in stone and rock 


Waking my mother for feeds and change 
Joining other streams along the way
Smiling at eager faces some of the time
Creating rushing water falls on the way


Learning quickly to crawl and climb
Shaping rainbows with the gleaming sunlight 
Picking up any odd thing into the mouth
Lushing my surroundings along the slopes


Venturing out to play school off late
Feeling like a kind river to my people 
Moving on to kindergarten and primary
Allowing people to dip for cleansing and fun


Discovering science math and grammar 
Reaching the foot of hills amidst the woods
Experimenting with my new toys and ideas 
Watering the parched farms of my peasants 


Treating my parents with boundless joy  
Extending my reach to the wide plains
Building my knowledge and rich skills 
Carrying rocks and stones downstream 


Expanding my circle of friends every week
Merging with deeper rivulets on the way
Delighting my parents with my character 
Flowing around obstacles and under bridges


Sharing fun and knowledge with my siblings 
Grinding the carried stones creating silt
Conspiring and pranking on one another
Dropping rich fertile silt on my riverbed


Growing to adulthood and a newfound job
Becoming a mighty river with my own name
Seeking a partner to share life’s pleasures 
Irrigating the broad plains and farmers\' fields


Bonding with my partner to tie the knot
Catching a stronger wider river to merge
Transforming soon into a parent of our own
Starting to creating tributaries of our own


Promoting ourselves to full parents
Graduating our parents to grandparents 
Living the life of our parents again
Letting them enjoy without bounds 


Cherishing the life of our children
Meandering slowly heading to  the ocean
Giving them their freedom deserved
Letting loose distributaries to their own


Fulfilling life’s goals and ambitions 
Providing precious water to millions 
Awaiting grandchildren to our name
Seeing the wide ocean in the distance


Relishing the cries of our grand kids
Hearing the sound of ocean waves
Resting peacefully is our next goal 
Feeling the cool sea water under our feet


Evaporating water soaring to the clouds
Beaming children spreading their wings
Springing of the next river formation
Praising God for our beautiful blessings

- MN 2021.06.18