Tune: Lauda Anima
(\'Praise, my soul, the King of heaven\')
Zechariah 8 v.1-8 {Old Testament prophet}
The LORD for Zion was jealous
With great fervour to them bless
The LORD says He is now returned
To Zion, of Him they learned
He will dwell in midst of city
Jerusalem it sure be
City of truth it shall called be
Holy mount of the LORD, see
There shall again old men, women
Dwell within the streets therein
The elderly be not forsook
They shall be seen therein, look
Streets of the city shall be full
Of boys and girls playing all
If this marvellous to you be
Should it be so unto me?
Says the LORD of hosts, and behold
I will save you, it be told
From east and west He will them bring
They shall return, to Him sing
In Jerusalem they shall dwell
And of His works they shall tell
He their God and they His people
In truth and righteousness all