
Our Perpetual Priest

Tune: Darwalls 148th

(\'Ye holy angels bright\')

Hebrews 7 v.25-28


Jesus continues e\'er

Risen, He now dies ne\'er

Has an unchangeable

Priesthood, He Priest for all

He be, and so, He is able

To save fully who on Him call


They who do come to God

By Him, the path He trod

On earth, now reigns above

The heaven of His love

He ever lives, to intercede

Comes to aid of His people\'s need


For such a high priest He

Was fitting that He be

He holy, innocent

Grace to us He has sent

Harmless and undefiled, no sin

O\'er death victory did He win


He is made higher than

Heavens, the Son of Man

Not daily as old times

Needs he repeat the rhymes

Of sacrifice, which priests did when

Offered, remembered their sins then


For this He once sure did

Was revealed and not hid

When He offered Himself

In him our treasure, wealth

Men continue not e\'er, but He

Consecrated for ever be