
save me from tomorrow

save me from tommorow

as the bleach in my eyes

with its\' sorrowful smile dressed in its\' marinated screams

tends to my wounds and spoons my poisoned sperm

deep into the heartless epidural of a panasomic dream;

my murdered spine

chocking on the phlem of an unreasonable fog

with a bullfrog cocking its\' weary limbs into the sunset of a terminal sky

waltz\'s with my cabbage patch doll

and succumbs to the red clay charms of an adolescent tide

where hides the imperfections of a manufactured prison wardens bride;

prejudice and pride on a smoke fuelled buckets chariot of fire

brings flame to the taming of a scissor twisted reason of a complementing argument

and belts my ass with the kiss of a caramel piss sucking on the wisdom of my throat;

the bloated bug with his obese tranquility

settles on the carbon copy of a headline page advising we adore only what we see;

a sea breeze for my cumberland sausage on a flamed grilled stake

aches with the weariness of a knife through the steak of an uninspierd rose of a yellow scent

as spineless as the grime that caresses my love poles incontinent blaspheme.

summer in a sunlounge chair

dressing an opressive fig beneath the comforts of a hibernating sun

I am all but dead with a secreting pen spitting on my anthrax bollock pain;

die with the porn of an inconsistant swallow

and wallow in the constant stream in a knife and fork extreme.

load my plate and sabotage my wilted and unoppoesed propasal in trafalger  square;

part my hair

and plant your frozen vaginas juice

with the freezing fog of my mist;