Samer Amin

When the Light Shines in the Darkness




The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.




The light stirs the eternal stagnant oceans of blackness into bright musical waves of love and happiness.




The light arranges the musical waves of love and happiness into unshakable firm established pillars of order,




the firm towering pillars of the kingdom of order and balance.




The light keeps his imperishable loving essence omnipresent throughout all the four corners of his lively kingdom,




the imperishable loving essence that resides into the hearts of those who do not deny his sovereignty over their beings.




The light bestows on those who accept his permanent dwelling into their hearts a power that is always capable of warding off the grinding darkness,




the grinding darkness that surrounds them with misfortune and despair.




The light gives, to those who allow his kingdom to establish its dominion into their hearts, rainy thick clouds roaming their skies,




thick clouds full with gentle rains of mercy and compassion.




The gentle rains of mercy and compassion that is always capable of irrigating all the arid wastelands,




all the arid wasteland they encounter on their way during the course of their lives.




The light creates vast expanses of fruitful trees,




vast expanses of fruitful trees of hope and dreams.




Fruitful trees of hope and dreams planted by the hands of the ones who believes in his dominating beauty and wisdom.