Samer Amin

See You Very Soon!




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to prevent my room\'s gloom from proclaiming its power.




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to fend off the dreary mist of cloudy nights from flaunting their rule.




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to prevent the shadow of my barred window from drawing its dreary shapes onto my bare walls.




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to relax the grip of the loneliness\' nights whenever they press hard on my soul.




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to calm the raucous sounds of stormy nights whenever they launch their rebellious attack on the smashed windows of my room.




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to repel the spooky spirits who show their ugly heads, to make me frighten to death, behind my creaky door.




See you very soon my pink rose always blooming in my room,




which is always able to exhibit her mesmerizing beauty and give my eyes a rest away from the ugliness of this world.