Saxon Crow

In the Name of Freedom

What price to pay for a make believe dream 
You live for it, lie for it, kill, fuck and die for it
You\'re sold a so called truth of something great and unseen
And yet you never seem to be any closer to living it
Loud voices in dark suits orate rhetorical about the importance of it
While they slyly ensnare you with their chains of promise.
The other man, that unknown over there
He\'s taken it away so we must fight to restore it
Fight? Oh the irony 
All in the name of freedom
All in the name of liberty
And yet my liberty is an illusion
And freedom a made up word
Choice all based on what they give you
Yet the opiated masses clap for more
Like some circus seal dancing on a ball
Cowed are we by a hopeful delusion
Trained into us before we were born
Long live the United States of whatever we tell you
Long live them
Not long live us
In the name of freedom!? 
There\'s no such thing
Don\'t buy into the dream 
This world is a prison 
Our sentence, life
Our crime? 
Whatever they choose to decide 
I don\'t mean to tread on your dreams
Or tarnish your hopes with these lamentable things 
But truth is truth if you choose to see
Everything that you believe is yours
Can be taken from you without a thought 
Your job, your home, your husband or wife
Your children, your hope, your life 
All in the name of freedom
The greatest of lies 
But freedom doesn\'t mean a God damned thing 
Freedom is a poor mans dream