Eugene S.

Paths V

Welcome to my world of botanical wonder
I will be your docent today
We will begin our story with the history
of why we are here, and then we may encounter the specialties that I find so dear.

For gardeners receive their spark very early
Knowing what it is that they must do
to master the green things of this life
and with simple tools made strong and true,
manage the earth on this great big ship of fools

The first plant it is that we will encounter
is a very very nice one
Not just your average apple, but a Black Sapote
On the outside green, and when truely done,
an almost black/brown interior will be seen

It is a wonderful fruit to behold and taste
with a spoon, no less
Like a mellow sweet chocolate pudding
that you should so eagerly caress, for its subtlety is one to supremely impress

Right next to it, is one that is equally divine
Another Sapote from a different tribe
It too is green on the outside, but inside,
a creamy white taste not hard to describe
Vanilla, lemons, and beauty of which I subscribe

Here they are together, White and Black Sapotes
growing on the same land
Offering their fruits as we walk on by
Leaving them behind to see what more we can find on this wayward ship of fools managed by mankind