
a cyanide pill in my crouton soup du jour

a shadow on a seven o\'clock lung

seven bells for the satans\' screening

of an unrehearsed staging of a laborious day-dream regime.

a pancake for my cerebral palsy

gatecrashing an afternoon dinner and dance

at the party of an unorthadox transexuals fucked up brain.

dinner on a slate beds courting twin

proactive - though attractive as he is-

who else can claim to have lived?

with the hindsight of a cattles pearshaped prod

shaping the perilous fingers of an umbilical discord.

with a feathers dusted mind

raping an ever secreating temper of an unaccepting crowd

proud indeed

an ever-eloping softening of sausage meat;

creosote and custard

with a dijon mustards elemant of a sunrise in pink suspenders

takes the baited sunrise where muscle meets an olive branching out.

dark mild and stout

champagne in an hourglasses mystic messangers dustbowl of a butchered mangrove

supressing the depression of an aniseed balls perpetual transgression.

a forearm smash in the attic of gathered treasure

weather the storm

and the weightlifters arms will turn into a soft and tender,

mild mannered woman with romantic needs

where bleeds the bosom of her anabolic chest;

I am in love with her mild mannered moods

her lemon juice on my orange peel.

and as much as I adore her midweek shoes

I love her more in her more agressive Sunday heels;