Samer Amin

Deep Roots




Hey tough days! Do you have any idea who you are going to mess with?




Hey tough days! Do you have any idea how stubborn the hearts of lovers can be?




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can shake the mountains of uncertainty and fear? 




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can demolish the fortified walls of their confinements,




and allow the light of their beloved one to get in?




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can rebel against all these well-established nonsensical worldly needs?




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can be a stumbling block in the way of all their assailants of misfortunes and calamities?




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can crush the wounding thorns, on the roads towards their dreams, under their feet?




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can develop roots, so deep in the soil of this life,




no matter how long the rainy clouds will be late or will go away? 




Do you have any idea how the lovers\' heartbeat can be harder than steel when they face the fire of their ordeal?




However, steel may go rusty one day, but their hearts cannot be.




Hey tough days! Do you have any idea who you are going to mess with?




Hey tough days! Do you have any idea how stubborn the hearts of lovers can be?