Samer Amin

Enchanting Voice




Your voice cannot be veiled in the midst of your love songs.




Your voice runs so deep through every single note of your melodies.




Each tone connects your heart with the hearts of those who feel enchanted by your glorious voice.




Your glorious voice that is capable of taking them far and away from the shackles of their separate selves,




and in the eternal river of your holy melodies, they are so ready to swim there forever.




They are always ready to unite with your river of joy and happiness.




Your river of love and happiness which is the eternal fundamental essence of all created things. 



Your glorified core essence that is always able to create by producing musical waves in your ever existing unfathomable unchangeable eternal essence.




These musical waves that you always reveal their melodies to the hearts of those who have always been so eager to listen to your melodies,




which are deeply inherent in every beautiful thing you made through your charming voice.




Your enchanting voice is a life and a life-giver.




Your enchanting voice is an ultimate peace and is also a giver of holy peace.




Your enchanting voice is always able to unite your lovers in a gigantic universal symphony.




A gigantic symphony that will forever praise your glorious beauty forever and ever.