Samer Amin

Eternal Healer



After the smoke of the battle subsided, the burning rubble began to emit one last emission of their black smoke.




After the thunderous sounds of the shelling began to sink into the original silence, the accompanying horror began to loosen its grip.




After the planes flied away after spreading an unprecedented terror into the very heart of the existence,




my deep wounds started to stop bleeding and proved not to be fatal enough.




After I set myself free and moved away from the heaps of the bodies of my comrades, I tried to crawl my way out of the bloody trench.




After walking desperately through the ruins and across the desolate desert towards my destination, far and away,




I passed through the heaps of death, destruction, blood and humiliation.




Hearing your gentle voice still calling behind the smoke of pains and torment.




Lifting my weary eyes towards your bright face, I could see your beaming, reassuring smile.




Lifting my hazy sight towards your luminous glorious face, I could see your auspicious smile cutting through the darkness of all my suffering and all my horrific pains.




Lifting my sandy eyes towards your glorious face, I could see you opening your arms, allowing me to find my eternal healing amidst the boundless mercy of your ever-awaiting hug.