
Hide and Seek

I play this game at the call of my name 


soft calling, haunting, serving me my warning 

eyes meet mine, my flight response on time 

adrenaline speaking, ears thumping, heart beating  


I play this game, I learnt it at the call of my name 


sanctuary I seek to never quite reach 

drawing in long breaths, I sit, eyes adjusting to darkness 

clicks of sin, nearing the location I’m akin 

light beams through, a hand offered in refuge   

hot water floods my cheeks, confusion in me peaks 


I have played this game, I learnt it at the call of my name 


Soft eyes meet mine, as I learn to breath freely again for the first time 

I know this game, but it ends differently with them, for I am not condemned to hell.  

Copyright © evocativepoetry