Accidental Poet

Easy on the Eyes

Like winning the lottery

Bestowed upon my eyes

At first sight of you Sharon

Your smile the endearing prize


As if in a trance

I stared in instant love

Everything else a blur

My heart engulfed like a glove


How you hadn’t known

The effect you had on me

A ten year old boy

My heart to you with guarantee


Our hands never held

Our lips never kissed

Suddenly I’ve a new career

As a loveologist


My love for you grew

Multiplying everyday

Never slowing down

Over fifty years today


Even though I lost you

Still, you’re my favorite memory

Filling my aging heart

With love’s endless energy


Yes, I’ve been Cupid’s target

Forever romanticized

Since first sight of you Sharon

Easy on the eyes


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021