
How To Fight The Good Fight

We all have good intentions.

We all have good ideas.

We all at one point,

in our lives,

want to fight the good fight.

... and some do.

.... or so they start.

\'Fighting the good fight\'

It sounds good in one\'s head.

\'Fighting the good fight\'

It sounds good on paper.

Many of us have the means,

to fight the good fight.

Still, the hardest part,

is continuing the fight;

going against the grain,

while staying righteous.

So how do we push forward,

in this fight?


Rather than focus on the fight,

put your focus on God.

He will lead you.

Seek God\'s wisdom,

and not your own.

It is not easy pressing forward,

in the good fight.

Sometimes it is impossible,

but with Christ,

all things are possible.