

I can tell you don\'t want to be with me,

In fact you don\'t even want to come or go anywhere with me or near me...

So why keep me here at all...?

Do I now mean nothing to you, did I ever mean something, or have I always meant nothing, nothing at all...?

I thought we was ride & die or was it all just a lie...?

when did you stop loving me...?

Or have you never loved me at all...?

After everything for 14 years, all the fears, all the tears... has it all been wasted years...?

I\'ve never felt so rejected, so alone, I thought with you that was home...

Now I have no where to roam, I\'m so lost & confused by the things you say & do...

Why did I ever move in with you, I know why because you asked me too...

Why would you do such a thing, & then treat me so badly, you make me feel like I\'m always wrong, like I truly never did, or never have belonged...

Why sell me a fairy tail, then give me a living nightmares...

I don\'t understand you didn\'t have to ask me to move in, You could be on you\'re own & not live in sin... Why make me go on this selfish ride of yours, its breaking my heart can\'t you see...

I know you no longer care for me... but having your cake & eat doesn\'t sit well with me...

I deserve better than that you know its true, but it doesn\'t stop you treating me like I\'m nothing to you... It seems you ride & I die, No words said, Why am I even sleeping in you\'re bed...

No hello or goodbye, No kisses or cuddles... No us or we... I\'m alone, just me... 

I\'m confused because you haven\'t told me what\'s going on...

I haven\'t got a clue to where I stand with you...?

I\'m second guessing, because you won\'t come clean, No words ever spoken, every action almost choking me...

Every bond that was scared between you & me now broken...

I sit in darkness with aloneness... I think I\'m still in shock, I truly once believed you was my rock...

it was all just a façade...

while I was dreaming, you was scheming...

Begs the question did you ever love me at all...? 

Truth be told I\'m scared to ask it\'s the lies that hurt worst of all... 

There\'s no love or respect at all... Forever more I\'ll be a fool...