Accidental Poet

I’ll Try to Keep Up

It’s almost 2 A.M.

And I’m wide awake

Though sound asleep

I labor to fake


Chugging along

Like a miles long freight train

Poetic words stalk me

Flooding my sponge of a brain


My relentless Muse

Working overtime

Always in search of

That perfect rhyme


“Get up, get up”

She politely insists

“We’ve much work to do”

As partnership we co-exist


So, I start typing

From my heart of which I hear

“Come on AP, pick up the pace”

I’m trying, I’m trying said I sincere


From the left,  from the right

I pull from thin air

From above and below

Poetic words everywhere


Where does all this come from?

Dare I ask

“Never mind, just type faster”

My instructed task


So, there I type

As fast as I can

My Muse’s very own

Delivery man


That’s two poems in the last hour

How many more?

“Stop complaining,

And lock the door”


She reminds me

It’s all of my own

Every last word

From my heart, lyrically grown


It comes not

From my DNA

But still there it is

A part of me on the page


Can we take a break? I ask

“If you can handle the back-up”

Well, since you can’t stop I guess

I’ll try to keep up


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021