
Complex Love

We all think we have love figured out.

But we don\'t, we just make ourselves believe we do.


Remember that crush you had when you were in kindergarten.

That was kid love simple.

Boy likes girl,

girl likes boy they become best friends.


Now you’re in eighth grade. 

Love is a little more complex. 

Boy sees girl, girl sees boy.

They hangout and become a thing,

an item, a pair, whatever,

but not a couple.


Then they break up girl goes to friends and cries. 

Eats ice cream and watches a sad love movie.

Boy goes to friends and tells them what happened. 

Then starts playing on X-box and forgets the whole thing.


A few years have gone by, now your are a senior.

Girl sees guy, guy sees girl 

Guy text girl. \"Do you want to go to prom together?\" 

Girl freaks out and replies, “Yes.\"


At prom a slow song comes on, they dance together.

Then he leans down and she goes up, and they kiss.

The weekend after prom they announce that they are together.

This would still not be considered a couple.


Love at this stage is very complex even though on the outside,

it may seem like they are drifting on cloud nine they aren\'t.

That\'s just for show,

on the inside they are fighting and arguing.

They probably broke up at least four times and never announce it,

because they still like each other.


Finally they break up for good.

Now you are an adult past collage.

Man is taking pictures of a lady for a magazine.

Lady sees man,

man sees lady,

they are looking at each other with more than their eyes.


It\'s as if there is a puzzle piece that has finally fallen into place.

This is love, 

This is a couple.

This is complex love,

because only you can describe what your love is.