
Unlike Shakespeare’s novel

I used to think love should be find
That I can look in stranger’s eyes.
From the nearest people I can reach,
To the farthest person that I can say my bid.

How much more phrases that word can make?
To explain the outmost sensation, it takes?
Should I put a scenario in this verse?
Wait, let me grab my lyrics and rehearse. 

Come in and I find you looking.
stay still, you’ll find me singing 
Do you feel that lingering warmth?
Creeping from your chest, close your mouth.

Your eyes tell the exact fondness,
That makes my heart drum in mess.

“How could you find love at the first place?
And why people believe in love when they first gaze?”

Unlike Shakespeare’s novel
Where Romeo find his Juliet in minutes
And his sonnets of love can be unraveled
Love in our realm can be vanished,

Distort in every angle
Fates can be tangled.
Promises that trampled
And pain can’t be handled.

Tell me, how much can you endure for love?
Can you speak after I sang my heart out?
I may not be Juliet and will never be
But now I can prove what eyes can see.