Samer Amin

Silver Lining




The rolling waves could only move the brittle layers of sand off the boulders,




but the boulders would surely stay.




The furious storms could only remove the dry foliage from the tender branches,




but the trees would certainly stay.




The bitter winter nights could freeze the pulse of life in the hearts of weak plants,




but the pulse of life in the stubborn buds, is sure to stay.




The hordes of dark clouds could overshadow the beautiful face of the sun,




but the silver linings around the edges of these gloomy clouds would undoubtedly stay.




The mighty earthquakes could shake the foundations of all man-made monuments,




but in truth, the deep-rooted lofty mountains would stay.




The deadly blows of hardships and tribulations could paralyze all vulnerable humans,




but truly, all resilient hearts would stay.




All the dwellings behind the high dams could be wiped out when these dams collapse,




 but in reality, all strongholds, built on solid rocks, would stay.




All adversities and misfortunes could break our hearts and destroy our bodies,




but without any trace of doubt, our love would stay forever for our beloved ones into our souls.