I\'m trying so hard to let it go...
what am I doing still sitting here...?
I should be long gone...
The fact is I have nowhere to go,
It\'s sad to know I\'m all alone,
No friends or a place to call home...
Why did God take you both...?
I wish you were both still here,
I can\'t help but feel this impending fear...
Having one of you still here would\'ve been nice,
I know there\'s nothing to change the plans that was already made...
I\'ve never felt so unsure, so lost, vulnerable, scared & insecure...
There\'s no one to trust anymore...
I thought it was bad before,
but had no idea that I could be with someone for near on 14 years & it mean so little,
I\'ve tasted so many tears, & know now that I\'ve wasted so many years...