Samer Amin





Just let the winds groan and howl amidst the caves of the hell.




Amidst the darkness of fiery caves of the hell, this agonizing winds always appear.




These painful winds serve a great purpose, and their main goal is to emphasize the weakness and fragility of human race.




This human race that must pass through the vast expanse of the hell fires before they reach their final abode amidst the gardens of paradise.




The human race that must witness the horrific roar of the fire of the hell, blazing and calling for spending the eternal pains, and the perpetual torment, in its terrifying caves.




This horrific embrace of the hellfire is not only reserved for 
 the transgressors in the afterlife.




This horrific embrace of hellfire is a common daily practice for most human beings during their usual activities in this challenging life.




Life seems like endless roads, amid a wilderness, covered by thick darkness which usually lead nowhere.




Or in fact, they lead to a very precise destination, a place where all of us should feel alienated away from our true essence, or our values, or our goals.




Separation, isolation, devaluation,these are the holy trinity of this life, and there are the Bermuda Triangle, into which, all human beings must fall,



after their lifelong struggle amid these misleading ways of life.




However, the eternal salvation of the power of love is the only thing that can give everything a purpose and can also give everything a meaning.




It is the re-creation force,inherent in love, that is able to overcome the furious fire of the virtual hell on this earth,




and grant salvation to all its permanent inmates of humankind.