

This country is a kingdom

I\'m a loyal subject

I don\'t voice my opinion

Though I\'m always oppressed

Milady I\'m a malady

Forego the old formalities

Oh prince laugh now while I\'m still bowed down

I\'m not joking, see soon I\'ll don the crown

This pauper will be a king

You\'ll have your arrogant faces on the ground

Go ahead and call me treacherous

Say I covet your riches

Slander me now

Tomorrow you\'ll be a grave man

The order to behead you, surely as you stand

My old enemies who jeered and mocked my face

Worry not, for they\'ll suffer a worse disgrace

My words; How distasteful

My thoughts: ill-begotten

Malicious and rotten to the core?

I\'m the way the world made me

Returning everything they gave me

Following the rule of old

An eye for an eye, yes they covet

Ear for an ear, they misconceive

A tooth for a tooth, they house a tongue that sells lies

An arm for an arm, as they divvy out crimes

Returning love for hate always put me in bad state

Turning the other cheek trapped me in a worse place