
my fathers secret

                                                                           The Secret


A Friday it was, when I came home

My father was around me, like a drone

“what are your marks” he wanted to know,

But his sheer anxiousness, just made me slow.

60 or 70?, desperately he asked,

I guess he was in a hurry, or had a task.

“I passed” I said, I got 55 and a half,

Furiously he said,”but that’s not enough”

Trying to control his anger, he further asked,

“what’s your rank” I said “unfortunately last”

My father was furious,

My grandma was curious.

“Why do you shout” she said with a stern look,

“ask him” he said, “he’s an open book”

“what happened son” she curiously enquired.

I didn’t want to speak, I was really tired.

But with the last of my strength I slowly muttered,

I – I ca- came last, I slowly stuttered.

“So what” she bluntly spoke,

“Mother!!” my father suddenly choked.

“He came last, is it not a matter of screaming,

She was irritated with dad, we shared this mutual feeling.

This is unacceptable, he said cross and baffled,

Should I tell your secrets, my grandmother loudly chuckled.

Is there such a secret, I curiously said,

My father gave me a rude look, as he went red.

“Yes there is” I suddenly heard,

My grandma chirped like a bird.

Son, in 7th your father failed twice,

“what” I said, with a surprise.

My father was embarrassed, he couldn’t look straight

Suddenly, there was a knock at the gate.

Remember son, there are some who are good in school,

But in society, they are considered as fools.

It does not matter, how many marks you bite,

What matters is if you succeed in life.