
Stars, but they last forever this time.

I wish I were like you. I wish I could do what you do.

I wish I could reach for the stars like you, and scream at the sky like you. I wish I could jump to the music like you and sing like you.

I wish I were beautiful and capable like you. I wish I had experience like you and talent like you. I wish I could dance to my own song, I wish I could write an amazing story like you. 

I wish I were amazing like you, and that I could smile when everything falls. You tell me to push through and that I’m strong but I’m not. Because strength starts by loving yourself even if you know you’re far from perfect. Strength is allowing yourself to heal. I’m not strong like you say I am.

I wish. I wish I were everything but me. I wish I were everything but the coward I am.

And wishing isn’t enough, but I wish I were like you.