
Come back home

I can make it

One step at a time

I can make it

I can’t lose hope

I just can’t..

If I do, I don’t know what’ll happen..

One step at a time.

“I’ll see you again tomorrow”

“Y’know I wouldn’t leave you for the world”

You promised

You promised me you wouldn’t go, yet where are you now?

I just wanted to help..

If you just held on a bit longer..

If I was a better friend than maybe I could have..


I can’t lose faith in myself or you

One step at a time

Breath in and breathe out

Everything will be ok

I’ve save you, alright?

I’ve almost reached the top

I can see the brightest of heaven blinding my eyes

It’s beautiful

I never believed heaven existed. That there was a higher power watching over us, but if this isn’t heaven, what is it?

You’re supposed to be here

That way when I find you, we can go back home

Back to being stupid kids playing video games and listening to music

One step at a time