Aaliya J

\'\'To The Hills, Yours Lovingly-Mist\'\'

I wore white and you wore different shades of green

Though I am not clean and serene

Like you, I  believe that when I am

Around you, I am your beautiful

Veil that covers your shy face


                                                 I lift myself from your face

                                               So the jealous Sun can shine

                                                On your body , to make you the prettiest. 

                                               I humbly abide by his wishes, as I hope ---

                                              You do become the prettiest phase of the Earth.

When the excited rain pours herself down

She comes in a great hurry

So as to her relief, I  become her sigh.

And yet again, I veil your sloping curves and standing creaks.


--I come and go in other\'s wishes 

All for you---