Two years ago,
Two years ago to day
Was that last time,
That last time when I rose,
When I rose from my bed
With my wife laying there.
I turned to her and kissed her,
Kissed her as if to say good bye.
When I next went to bed
I would be alone,
No more cuddles in bed,
Not more saying “I love you”
As we went to sleep.
This fucking dementia
Had taken her,
Taken her from me.
Over those five years
She went further and further away
Until that day come
When I could cope no more,
My caring for her had brought me down,
Down so low in myself
That others had to care for her.
So on this day,
This day two years ago
I took her away from our home
To a Care Home,
A place where they looked after her,
Looked after her so well,
I saw her so many times in that home,
But she was not in our home.
If people say they know about dementia
But have not lived with it
Twenty four hours a day,
Seven days a week,