Accidental Poet

“Nothing to Worry About”

Listen closely

Hear the silent tears

As Mother Nature

Realizes her greatest fears


Her prized trees being cut down

Oxygen producing trees

Wildlife homes

Brought to their knees


Over a century of air pollution

Greenhouse effect and Ozone Layer

“Nothing to worry about”

This from an expert naysayer


“Global warming”, they say

“Just foolish nonsense,

For politicians are the experts

Not the educated scientists”


Plant life suffocating

Choking on unbreathable air

Planet Earth caught

 In an unescapable snare


A bad day in the forecast

Better find some shelter

As the Sun bears down

The heat rises to a swelter


Glaciers melting at alarming rate

Into the ocean current

The Atlantic conveyor belt

To a new direction it’s sent


Marine Mammals dead on beaches

Coral reefs fading fast

The world’s oceans good health

Gone to the distant past


Climate changes across the globe

Raging storms out of control

Writings upon the wall

A horrific future foretold


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021