
The Falling Colours

The rain fell in great big drops

pitter-patter, pitter-patter

for days on end, no respite, 

the days dark and gloomy,

wet and grey..

A yearning for the golden sun,

warm and yellow and glowing,

a yearning for the colours that

adorn nature in all its splendour,

a wish to fill the world with colour;

A wish heard... for the sun peeped

through the dark clouds,

through the soft rain 

and the rainbow was born!!

It touched

the drooping flowers,

the huddling birds,

the dragonflies and butterflies,

the falling colours 

swirling and blending

filling everything in its path. 

And the world shone 

colourful and bright and sparkling

in the soft sunlight, 

in the falling rain.