Eric Gama

What makes me, me?

Wherever I look,

I see.

But none of those things are me.


Wherever I go,

I meet.

But none of those people are me.


Whenever I listen,

I hear.

But none of those sounds are me.


Whenever I breathe,

I smell.

But none of those smells are me.


Whatever I eat,

I taste.

But none of those flavors are me.


Whatever I do,

I feel.

But none of those feelings are me.


So, what makes me, me?


Everything and everyone.

Every sound and every smell.

Everywhere and everyplace.

Every good and every bad.

Every happy and every sad.


And you.


Without you,

I would be someone else.


Without you,

I would be somewhere else.


Without you,

I would be something else.


And there is no one else I would rather be.

There is no place else I would rather be.

There is nothing else I would rather be.


Because where there is you, there is me.

And where there is me, there is you.

And there is no other me I would rather be than the you and me that makes we.