Tune: Diademata
(\'Crown Him with many crowns\')
Psalm 95 v.1-7
O come, let us sing to
The LORD with praise anew
Let us make joyful noise unto
The LORD, he good and true
Rock of our salvation
And unto each nation
Let us come before His presence
And Him in worship sense
Come to Him, thanksgiving
Joyful noise to Him bring
Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
To Him worship belongs
For the LORD a God great
Is, of royal estate
A great King, He above gods all
Will her us when we call
In His hand are the deep
Places, He does them keep
The strength and height of hills also
Are His too, this we know
The sea is His, he made
It, marvellous displayed
And His hands formed the dry land, He
Creator of all be
O come, let us worship
Him, serve in deed and lip* (*word)
Let us bow down and kneel before
The LORD our maker sure
Each creature to Him yield
He perfect rules does wield
For He our God, we His people
The sheep of His hand all