Samer Amin

Birth Pangs




When the quake of pain shakes the profound foundation of the self,




and shakes off all its ostensible ornaments,




When the quake of pain shakes the fortified doors of false beliefs in our minds,




and lets the light of rationality in,




When the quake of pain terrifies the developmentally delayed child in our psyche,




and puts it between two choices, either to fight or to fight,




When the quake of pain shatters the fragile sandy hopes that arose during daydreams,




on the banks of our wishful thinking,




When the quake of pain dispels the false mental images,




and makes us able to see the true values of our loved ones,




When the quake of pain challenges the very core of our existence,




and causes us to develop deeper roots in the rocky soil of this life,




When the quake of pain mercilessly presses upon the frightened, intimidated soul,




and forces it to utter a cry of war from its muffled throat,




When the quake of pain ruthlessly visits a mother with its birth pangs,




and enforces her to fill the anxious horizon with her bitter scream,




Only then, our mother nature will carry her new created child with indescribable happiness and unimaginable joy.