Ishika Gautam

The Pinch Of Sand

She looked happy and enlighted,
But her inner was frightened,
She was dazzling and smiling,
But her outer was always lying,
It showed what she wanted to,
About her inner no one had a clue,
The outer her was confident and ready,
But her inner didn\'t know how to be steady,
Her inner self failed to control,
All her failures and her goals,
Her insecurities and awkwardness,
Snatched her happiness,
She believed what she heard,
And her guilt killed her first,
Guilt of letting everyone down,
And giving them a constant frown,
Guilt of breathing in the living land,
And felt like a pinch of sand,
That nobody notice in the deserts,
Its right there with the others,
She did not wished for happiness,
And she knew life\'s fairness,
All she wanted was someone who understand,
Her innerself didn\'t want to be pinch of sand.