
Prayer Pointers

Tune: University College

(\'Oft in danger, oft in woe\')

Matthew 6 v.5-15


Your [heavenly] Father knows what you need

Before you ask, will you feed

But desires us each to pray

And know more His will and way


When praying do be sincere

Attitude of godly fear

Not as hypocrites, for they

For to be seen of men pray


Truly they have their reward

That with them does sure accord

Praise of men they seek, but we

Who pray true pray secretly


In our room, and close the door

There do pray, it be no chore

Pray to father which is in

Secret, He will hear therein


And your Father which does see

In secret shall openly

Reward you, better than praise

Of men\'s laud that they can raise


Use not vain repetitions

Endlessly please one by one

Some think that they be heard for

Their much speaking more and more


But after this manner pray

As \'The Lord\'s Prayer\' day by day

He shall come, all your needs  meet

From His throne, His mercy-seat