Samer Amin

When the Bells Ring




Tomorrow, when he comes, the bells will ring from afar, 




announcing the advent of the glorious happiness.




The glorious happiness that used to be bounded in the hearts.




The glorious happiness that used to hide in shame behind the windows of the eyes.




The glorious happiness that used to be bounded by the chains of the fears which lurk in the corridors of the palaces.




Tomorrow, when he comes, the bells will ring from afar, 




announcing the glorious coming of the conqueror.




The conqueror who bears the banner of justice that has been eliminated.




Tomorrow, when he comes, the bells will ring from afar,




triggering the quake of the earth under the hooves of the horse of light.




The horse of light that will make the heavens and the earth tremble from the breath of his wrath.




The breath of his wrath that melts the mountains because of the weeping of those who are crushed in spirit.




The breath of his wrath that will explode the oceans because of the tears of the orphans and the widows.




Tomorrow, when he comes, the bells will ring from afar,



announcing the glory that will kiss the foreheads of those who kept the ray of love in their hearts,




despite the hordes of darkness that possessed the world.




Tomorrow, when he comes, the bells will ring from afar, 




announcing the creation of a new word,




A new word worthy of the new universe,




this new word is the word \'\'justice\'\'.