
Clowning Up at the Fair


Every one who was anyone 
was there, at the fair.
Smiling faces, filled with thrills.
Games of luck in side-show alley
knock-em down, hoop-la, darts and quoits.
Drop colored balls into laughing clown heads 
swinging from side to side, mouths agape begging.

But all those eyes seemed to follow me, 
ten pairs of clown eyes staring at me, 
eye-ball to eye-ball, locked onto my gaze,
searing like lasers, silently beaming into my brain.
All too scary, time to go, time to get out, and get away.
Phew! What a relief!

Turned the corner, laughed, bought some fairy floss and hot-dogs.
But there, way off in the crowd was a clown.
Same face, same stare, same mouth agape and open,
moving every so slightly from side to side.

Too scary this fair, so I looked elsewhere, 
looked away down another alley.
But there, I could see it, another clown, then another, then another.
Everywhere I looked there was a clown with face oscillating 
swinging to and fro, from side to side
with eyes staring right back at me.

I shut my eyes and ran away.
Gotta get out of the here.
Gotta wake up from this nightmare.
Clowning up at the fair.