
Why Wisdom? - Wisdom Series (8)

Tune: Woodlands

(\'Tell out my soul\')

Proverbs 1 v.1-7


Why proverbs, spoken by wise Solomon?

And other wise folk, useful to each one

They be to know wisdom and instruction

To learn and do them, useless unto none


And to perceive words of understanding

To make good choices and be discerning

To receive the instruction of wisdom

Unto all people, not only to some


To learn justice, judgement and equity

To give subtlety and prudence, so be

To the simple, and to the young knowledge

And discretion wisdom does to them pledge


A wise person will hear, and will increase

Learning, flow of wisdom shall never cease

And those of understanding shall attain

Unto wise counsels and more wisdom gain


So understanding proverbs, and meanings

Their interpretation, they wholesome things

Words of the wise, their dark sayings, riddles

And enigmas, in life wisdom us schools


The fear of the LORD, reverential awe

Is the beginning of true wisdom sure

It the principal thing to get, but they

Who despise wisdom they shall fall away