Poetic Dan

The auto response is not us!

My automatic response today made me feel unworthy of my title!

I\'d lost all love and was ready to attack nothing else mattered, just the red rag!

The more fear there is the more it builds up, if not for the breath it would just be blood

Control can\'t be lost if its under the boot, all actions restricted to an inch of a move.

Yet at 5:55am I was starting it all off with a body check in, putting positive air in right from the beginning.

Proud in my accomplishments I was not ready for the hit, does my journey end here and time to quit

Only I can decide if this was a sign or a gift, to truly appreciate that surrender doesn\'t authentically make relaxed.

When it is easy to write, talk or move. Yet finding balance for all three in the Grove, takes a lifetime to evolve and discipline to improve.

Letting go to hold on and expand our youth, in hopes to pass down less triggers in a blue sky of truth.

Memories will create actions but it doesn\'t have to be you! I scribe this with a passion to never give up on me too!