
It Hurt More Than That

Not just a loss; an injury.

Not just a missing piece; some pieces were taken away.

Not just that the kettle didn’t boil; the water was tipped out of it.

Not just that the show wasn’t on TV; the TV was unplugged from the wall.

Not just that it went to a place of flat line, nothing; it went to a place beneath that, below the y axis.

Not just that the money wasn’t put into the account; there were unauthorised loans withdrawn.

Not just that the freezer had no food in it; there was thick, expanding frost over every shelf.

Not just that the soup was uneaten and left to go cold; it was spooned into the bin.

Not just that the butter wasn’t kept in the fridge; it was getting microwaved.

Not just that there was no icing on the cake; somebody sat on it.