The night isn\'t over
The candles are burning and we are stronger
Under the stars in the black sky
Free and wild and remembering all we\'ve done
I\'m sorry for all the times I was selfish
When I said I didn\'t care
For all the hurt I caused by my reckless behaviour
For letting you down time again
For the shit I put you through, the tears I caused
But I feel like it\'s too late to apologise now
We will meet at a reckoning
The sharp edge of our insanity
I wish I could take back those mistakes
I wish I could show you I can change
The night is as cold as a knife made of ice
Piercing through a delicate heart
As lonely as a beach in December
No one to hear your voice or to pacify
A nightingale comforts a dying rose
Days when we were young and beautiful
The past, so far behind us
I treasure the simple moments
When you would tie my laces and call me for dinner
I walk the streets, a bundle of sadness
Imagining unspeakable things
It all comes back to me, memories I\'ve never had
All the things I made up in my mind
Forgetting good times, the rush of sky blue
Overwhelmed me, and I hope you\'re doing well
Because I know I\'m not
I hear people laughing and talking but I\'m disengaged
You can see it on my face
I just want to go back home, to be young again
When we didn\'t have fancy phones and everything didn\'t feel so rushed
I was the centre of the universe
Wanting to start the painting again
I want to use different colours, to paint a different scene
To realise, I am more than who I am.