Kira Zubal

The short word story of my cat

The short word story of my cat:

Three years ago we firstly met

We drove away on empty road

There was no thing in freedom’s thought

We came to city with no name

The life was funny game to play

And sudden flare came from outside

It was like dream in spooky night

The ginger fur was full of glow

That wasn’t anything I’ve known

We stopped the car and moved to it

To see the others was no need

I reached out my hands and heart

Since then we cannot live apart

And little kitten’s chosen us

For being family at once

For sleepless nights, for crazy chase

For scratches, bites and for embrace

For sprinkled slippers, leaky cloth

Sometimes for mess or even worse

But every snatch is joy of mine

And every moment is divine

So take some cats to own home

To know the bliss if they allow
