Continuing. Ageless and Enduring. Looking at You and Your Look is Dateless. Perfect in the Face. Perfect in the Body. Your Mind is Immortal and Everlasting. You have the Ability to Hold, Keep and Persist. Their is No Reason to Contradict You or Your Abilities. Their is no Negatives. Their is No Rejects. No One will Deny the Truth of Your Perfection. Without Interruption You Travel in Books. Persistent in Another Way to Describe Your Eternal, Unending and Unbroken Style. You are No Beast, Creep or Snake. You can Always Tell Who the Clown is. The Fool Who Monkey\'s Around or Shows Off is Going to be Very Clumsy and Awkward. No One Treads on You or on Your Topics. Your High Score is Always Enlightened and Telling. But Without a Clue, You can Keep People Wondering what is Next. Defeat and Conquer. You Master what Overcomes and Prevails like a Stormy Cloud. The Club You are in is in Order and You Bring a Boundless and Unlimited Quality to the Table. The Mind is so Timeless and Durable. You Persist in this Way. Leaving a Mark on the Ground in Away. A Path to a New Beginning. You Fierce Cloud. You Time Traveler Through the Mind. Your Unbroken Style. You Ruler...