Poetic Dan

More of natures lessons

Muscles are a major part in the road map of life, they record all moments and help instinctively act. 


This is needed to help look for shelter, gather food and most importantly interact with the environment around us. 


Take an electronic fence and its teaching, well everything in life is like that!  Be it moments of play and excitement or fear and unsure, it\'s all stored up waiting for the next hit, because what else are muscles doing but waiting to work! 


This is where I believe we can forget not only for ourselves but mostly the dog, that doing nothing is doing alot. To willing stop So many cells wanting to do what they do best yet ask them to surrender and relax. 


If we don\'t then it can become hard wired and always ready, even locked into the pattern. 


This is where I believe the best work is done, turning what was once solid into smooth and feeling the release of breath that fills a room. 


As the energy from the calmness reflects back to you, it can feel like magic but really it\'s just a pure connection to an awareness of a redirection on the old map. 


To be in the moment with each breath, is the harmony and balance steps. The rest was to keep in rhythm with it and have fun along the way. 


I\'m always grateful for natures lessons