Trenz Pruca

Under a High Stamped Tin Ceiling.


Under, the high 


Stamped-tin ceiling

Sits the fool. 



When as a child 

He was asked

What will you be 

When you grow up?

He replied, 

“A bum” 

“A clown”.  



He got his wish 

He became 

A bum 

A clown, 

An Emmet Kelly 

Chasing that ever 

Diminishing light.



He loves life

He says

“It’s always something”. 

Everyday something new”

Usually worse but new. 

He might as well hang around 

To see what it is.



He assimilates 

Other peoples 


And opinions now. 

Maybe he always has. 

His knowledge of things 

Seems to be 

Less a product 

Of effort 

Then an ongoing 

Process of 

Epistemological osmosis. 




He believes 

Is waiting to see 

What will happen next. 

“Tomorrow is 

Another day”

He sighs.




He whispers

“Is only what I tell myself 

To keep away the darkness.”