

Salmon on Croute for lunch sounded good,

I have the salmon and most other food

Just need the puff pastry and a nice fresh lemon

To encase this great looking chunk of salmon.


So down to the shop I needed to drive

Parked the car, it would only take five

Minutes to get these ingredients few

Arrived back home in days later, two.


I parked the car in my usual place

And walked to the shop at my usual pace

Tripped and fell down like great a foolish prat

I wonder why I did a thing like that!


There was pain and blood pouring from my thumb

It did not look good but I didn’t succumb

To the point of not knowing just where I was

Like those occasions one sometimes does


A passer by looked on my plight

And asked if I was feeling alright

I could not answer, I don’t know why

Perhaps the shock was starting by and by.


He asked if I needed to contact someone to help

I reached for my phone which caused me to yelp

But I managed to contact my wonderful wife

And asked her to send down the son in my life.


The first aider from the shop arrived on the scene

With his first aider bag coloured bright green

He looked at my thumb and got out a dressing

Which hid the wound which was such a blessing.


They sat me in my car to help me recover

My son then arrived and gave me a good look over,

As he was looking at me I went into shock

So an ambulance was called to come to this block.


The medic arrived in very quick time

Assessed my problem in a way so sublime

That she gave me so much confidence

That made me much less tense.




As I was going into shock and then out

Her small van was without doubt

Not how to get me all the way

To the Redditch hospital casualty bay


So an ambulance was called to collect me

To transport me with horns wailing like a banshee

To the place where I would be cured

From the pains that I now endured.


The operation to fix my wound was a complete success

But the surgeon did say that my thumb was a mess

And it should now be really OK

As long as they keep the infection way.


So the Salmon en Croute did not come to pass

As this silly old duffer fell on his arse

And took only two days to go to the shop

As I stupidly tripped and on my thumb I did drop!