Tune: St Timothy
(\'O Holy Ghost, thy people bless\')
Psalm 34 v.18-22
The righteous cry, and the LORD hears
Delivers them from fears
Saves them out of all troubles, He
Still their strong helper be
The LORD is night to them that be
Of a broken heart, see
And such as of spirit contrite
Or crushed, he will help right
Many are the afflictions, so
Of the righteous, we know
But the LORD saves them from them all
He hears when they do call
His protection shall safe them keep
They in His fold His sheep
Evil shall slay the wicked, they
Not stand in righteous\' day
They that do hate the righteous shall
Be desolate, we tell
But the LORD does redeem the soul
Of His servants, makes whole
None of them who do in Him trust
Though all they be mere dust
They shall not be desolate, they
Be blessed, they thrive alway