
When I Think Of Heaven

When I think of Heaven,

I see land ready and willing,

to be sewn.

I see a beautiful clear day,

with a soft cool breeze.

There is constantly,

a beautiful smell of something,

in the air.

No one is around to bother me,

and yet, everyone smiles and waves,

when they see one another.

Everyone is traditional,

and modern at the same time.

When I see Heaven,

I see a beautiful glistening lake,

in my backyard,

filled with fish.

It has a dock,

with a boat tied to it,

with two fishing poles inside.

The wooden dock,

leads up to a beautiful,

White two-story house,

with a huge white back porch,

and a huge white front porch.

It is always a beautiful night.

It is perfect to sit outside,

as the heavens of Heaven,

shine down on me.

Everyday will be filled,

with joy, happiness,

and contentment.

Each day as I wake up,

I will never grow tired,

bored, restless, or anxious.